Burger Shop For Sale Southern Sydney 5 Day Operation Major Exposure Position
Absolutely Fantastic Position in a very busy shopping precinct.
This small shop is built for extremely high turnover.
Large Exhaust Ventilation & Cool room. Not found in shops this size..
Owner hasn't spared a cent on equipment. All top quality cooking equipment.
Rent only $880 PW + GST. Extremely reasonable considering the exposure position & location.
Abundance of free parking in the area
Huge delivery/takeaway market
In close proximity:
- One of the busiest local sports park (next door)
- Major local hospital (Less than 4 min drive)
Can continue as a burger shop or with the right application has the potential to be a fantastic kebab shop.
For more information including the name or location, please agree to the confidentiality agreement before sending your enquiry.
Call Alex Apanian 0472 735 859 for more information.
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