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Nursery & Gift Shop - Easy To Run - Profitable
A Unique Nursery and Gift Shop offering unusual Indoor and Outdoor plants with buyers able to shop instore or buy online for WA and QLD. Current owners only operate part time, so it could improve with a Full time operator.
Key Features & Benefits:
- They only work in the business part time, so with full time hours the business will perform even better
- Simple to use Shopify website and online ordering system that is automated and easy to manage
- Can work from your own backyard, the business doesn’t have to have the large hothouses to still work well. Initially the business was run from a small backyard in Baldivis
- They ship plants within their pots and soil within WA and QLD. Other states can be included in this but requires permits which can be accessed via WA quarantine
- Shipping to other states is a huge opportunity to grow the business significantly
- Huge amount of repeat customers, both online and instore
- The pop up shop at Cockburn Shopping Centre is fantastic and a boost to monthly sales, the location within the Centre has a great space with high traffic and great sales. An opportunity here to setup shop permanently at a reduced rate as the Centre management really wants the business in the shopping Centre as it is unique and a great draw card
- They are known within the plant community and regularly get offered space at garden shows, festivals and other events as they want to have their products there
- Unique and exclusive wholesalers and suppliers, that no other in WA has
- Creative and calming business working around plants, perfect for the ultimate flexible lifestyle
- They run the business with just 3 people. For festivals or pop up shops in Shopping Centre’s they do require casual staff and also over the busy periods such as Xmas
- Can do all orders, add products on your mobile phone
- Australia post app is setup and calculates shipping as the customer does the order, plus the process is all automated and super simple
- Huge following on social media - FB 7,000 followers and over 1,330 Instagram followers
- Leading growers across Australia and contact with secret growers. Importing made easy, the hard work has been done for you. Simple and easy to do now.
- Wholesale side already setup on the Shopify platform if you wish to offer wholesale also, also a list of wholesale customers
- Professional brand that is well known and respected
Price: $70,000 plus SAV
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Finn Business Sales
1300 535 932
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