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The Importance of Photos When Listing Your Business

user imageEden Exchange
July 27, 2023

Selling a business requires lots of effort, and it can feel like there are always a million things to do. So, when someone tells you you need to list photographs of your business alongside the written listing, you might feel like you can’t be bothered. However, photos can help your business sell in more ways than you think!

Good-quality photographs are incredibly beneficial to your business listing. They can sometimes be the make or break between selling your business quickly and hanging around for a long time. Below, we’ve detailed how having high-quality business photographs on your listing can benefit you as a business seller, based on our experiences in the business buying and selling industry. Take a look below to find out more!

Benefits of Including Good Photos in Your Business Listing

So, why do good photographs matter? Is anyone even going to look at them? Can they help make your business look better? We’ve listed a range of benefits below for you to consider.

1. Credibility

First and foremost, if you’re listing tangible assets that come with your business, a photograph can prove they exist. While most business buyers are not that sceptical, a photo of your space and any equipment with the listing helps improve your credibility. Ensure you get good photographs of any high-tech or standout equipment that makes your business look better than others.

2. Positive Representation

A good photograph will make your business look good. Like selling a house, you want to show people that they’re getting a great deal. This means that taking quality pictures of all the space can ensure people see how good value your business is.

It is, of course, vital that you give your space a spring clean before you photograph it. Remember, these photographs will likely go on several business listing sites and will be seen by thousands of people. Ensure the business looks as good as possible before hitting the post button.

3. Tell a Visual Story

The old adage that a photograph is worth a thousand words is never more accurate than when it comes to your business. You can tell people about your company as much as you like, but by giving them visuals, potential buyers can see themselves in the space.

If your business comes with physical premises, then business buyers may want to visualise what they would do with the space, the colours they would paint it, the furniture they would add, and so on. By giving them this visual, they can see what it would be like to run your business.

4. Help Your Listing Stand Out

Lastly, not all business sellers will add photographs. Some may only add a few; others may add poor-quality ones. You can ensure you stand out by adding high-quality pictures to your listing.

A series of photographs of your business will bulk out the listing and ensure that potential buyers get a comprehensive view of what exactly they’re buying. Business buyers may be more tentative if your listing feels vague. Photographs help you be less vague!

5 Things to Remember When Photographing Your Business

When photographing your business, you should treat it like a product listing. Your business becomes the product; the better the photographs, the more interest you will garner. Below, we’ve gathered tips for getting the best pictures for your business listing.

1.  Use Good Lighting

Proper lighting makes a photograph. If a potential buyer can hardly see what’s happening in the image, they’re not likely to take the time to look at it, never mind the rest of the photos. Make sure you photograph your premises and equipment in decent natural lighting. And if you struggle on the day, remember that you can brighten your pictures up in post if needed!

2. Use a Normal Lens

While you want your space to look its best, you should avoid misleading potential buyers. Don’t use a wide lens to make your space look bigger than it is. They will only be disappointed when they visit, and you will lose credibility!

3. Use a Tripod

This may seem obvious to some, but a tripod will ensure you avoid shaky or wonky photographs. A tripod also lends professionalism to your pictures, which reflects well on the business.

4. Use a Good Camera

While many will read a ‘good camera’ as not a smartphone, that’s not what we’re saying. In fact, many smartphones now have very good-quality cameras suitable for this kind of work. So, you don’t need to go out and buy an expensive camera, but you should ensure you’re shooting on something that will give decent results.

5. Work With a Professional

If you’ve got the funds and time to do so, we recommend working with a professional to ensure your business looks as good as possible. Remember that you’re not just selling a product here; you’re selling your legacy. 

Where Should I Sell My Business?

This article focuses on selling businesses through online listings, but this isn’t the only way to sell a business. We’ve broken down a few common ways to sell a company below to help you understand the best fit for you.

Selling Through a Broker

business broker is an individual or firm with in-depth knowledge about the buying and selling process. They will charge a small fee to help you sell your business quickly. Unlike if you were to sell it yourself, a broker may already have contacts interested in your business type.

They can also support you in various ways, including protecting your confidentiality, offering expertise and assistance in matters regarding finances, and providing professional marketing skills.

Selling Through Private Connections

Some people may already have colleagues looking to buy a business or know other business owners looking to expand. This means they can sell quickly to someone in their circle without employing a broker.

Using an Online Platform Like Eden Exchange

Online platforms, like Eden Exchange, have entirely changed how we buy and sell businesses. In the digital age, an online listing is one of the best ways to market your business. It is seen by thousands of active buyers daily, and you don’t need to have industry connections to get a reasonable price.

Eden Exchange has everything you need to sell your business all in one place. With space for confidential document sharing and support from our team of experts, even those who have never sold a company will find it easy.

If you plan on listing your business online, having good-quality photographs lined up is essential. Unlike with a business broker or an in-person sale, a buyer's only introduction to your business is through the listing. This means it needs to spotlight the value of your business.

Final Thoughts

A photograph is worth a thousand words, including when you add it to your business listing. It ensures credibility, makes your business look good, and can facilitate the sale. You can work with a professional or enlist the help of friends to get good pictures of your business. Remember to use good lighting and not mislead buyers!

If you’re looking to list your business online, then reach out to Eden Exchange today. We have everything you could ever need to sell your business, all in one place. Contact our team now for more information.

Who we are

Eden Exchange is an integrated multi-channel platform, simplifying business buying and selling. We match, refer and connect business buyers, sellers & brokers in an ecosystem that facilitates frictionless franchise, business and finance transactions. Visit and connect with our engaged and multidimensional transaction network today.