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What Can Make My Business Stand Out?

user imageEden Exchange
June 20, 2024

Business sellers the world over ask this question and at Eden Exchange, we’ve become pretty adept at answering it. We’ve been helping businesses to sell (and buy) for a very long time, and so we’ve got a petty good idea of what helps a business to stand out in an already saturated market.

Below, we’ve gone over a few things, including how to work out whether your business is actually seller-ready and what you can do to make your business stand out. Check it out now.

Are You Seller Ready?

Being seller-ready means that if you were to get an interested buyer tomorrow, the deal would go through seamlessly. It means having everything in order and ready to go. So, what does that look like?

Firstly, it means doing all the financial prep necessary for a business buyer to get what they need before closing the deal. This includes having all your financial records in order and conducting an audit.

You’ll also need to streamline operations, optimise your inventory levels, and ensure that you’re meeting industry regulations and compliance across all aspects of your business. Ensure there are no ongoing disputes and that all supplier and client contracts are solid.

There are many other things you need to do to prepare your business to sell. Learn more about getting your business seller-ready.

Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out in the Market

Selling your business can be difficult at times, and it is usually made more challenging by an oversaturated market. You will need to highlight why a buyer should choose you over another similar business to ensure that you can eventually sell. But how do you do this?

Below are some of the key ways we have found to help business sellers make their opportunity stand out amongst the masses.

#1 Showcase a Strong Financial Position

Money really does make the world go around so if you can show a buyer that your business is in a strong position already, you’re essentially making their job easier. If they don’t have to spend time getting a business back in the black, they can begin making money right away.

Make sure that when collating your financial records, you work with an accountant. They can ensure that your finances are in a good position before you choose to sell. In some cases, it might be best to wait until your business is in a better position before listing it, so that you can get the absolute best price.

Remember that inflating or altering your finances will not help you in the long run. Don’t be tempted to make your business appear better off, even if you’re desperate to sell. 

#2 Highlight your USP

What makes your business different? What makes you stand out from others in your industry? What is your Unique Selling Point (USP)?

Whether your USP is a huge social media following or the fact that the local community rely on you, you’re going to want to highlight it in your marketing. When you begin the process of selling, you’ll create a business listing in which you need to highlight why you’re different and why you should be the one a buyer should choose.

You can also make your USP the focal point of other marketing strategies. For example, if you’re a popular cafe with locals, then highlight this in your social media marketing so that buyers know that the business comes with built-in clientele.

#3 Have a Strong Online Presence

Whether you hate or you love social media, there is no denying its brilliance when it comes to marketing. Having a strong presence on social media platforms, like LinkedIn, means reaching people in your industry who might be looking to sell. You can also take advantage of the advertising features across social media to improve the reach of your ads.

On top of social media, remember to list your business for sale on online platforms so that you’re not just relying on word of mouth. While you may work with a broker, having a listing online will increase the chances of the right buyer seeing it.

#4 Highlight your Key Benefits

Does your business have a particularly good management team? Are you selling everything, including intellectual property and a physical location? Get all of this information into the listing. While we’ve already discussed your USP, this stuff comes in addition to the main point.

You might create a bullet list in your listing with all the benefits of buying your business to ensure that buyers know exactly what it is they’re getting. Remember to keep this concise and to use action language. 

It is also a good idea to know who your ideal buyer is by building a buyer persona. That way, you can cater this list to them. 

#5 Use Professional Photographs

One of the most common mistakes we see people are selling their business is not hiring a professional photographer. Using professional photographs in your listing has many benefits, including added credibility, presenting a professional front, and telling a visual story.

It is one area that you shouldn’t be trying to save money by doing it yourself when you’re selling your business. Instead, make sure to give buyers as much of a visual of your business as possible. Include pictures of physical locations, equipment that you’re selling, and even the surrounding location.

How Eden Exchange Can Help

Eden Exchange has been supporting the buying and selling of businesses for decades. Our role in the industry is to facilitate and support the buying and selling process through our online platform. The DealXchange platform is an intuitive space designed to streamline the process for buyers, sellers, franchisors, and franchisees.

For business sellers, we give you access to thousands of active buyers and a secure and safe space to negotiate your deal. You can automate the entire process, integrate our software with other business-selling software, and even pre-qualify your leads to ensure you find the perfect buyer for your business.

Final Thoughts

Standing out in the business selling market means putting extra effort into your selling process. It means making sure you’re seller-ready and have done your due diligence before listing your business, and it means creating a marketing strategy that draws in the right buyer.

We recommend treating the selling of your business like selling a product within your business. Create a buyer persona and then develop a strategy that will attract them to your business. Ensure you highlight what it is that makes your business different, and include all the benefits of your business in your listing. Always use good quality photographs to sell your business, and if in doubt, reach out to the professionals for support.

Eden Exchange is proud to support business sellers and has been helping sellers find the best deal possible for years. If you’d like to know more about how we can support you, then contact the team now for more information.

Who we are

Eden Exchange is an integrated multi-channel platform, simplifying business buying and selling. We match, refer and connect business buyers, sellers & brokers in an ecosystem that facilitates frictionless franchise, business and finance transactions. Visit and connect with our engaged and multidimensional transaction network today.